How to Become a Ludo King Master in Multiplayer Video Games


Fantasy Khiladi Ludo is one of the most well-known online Ludo game in the world, and while it has several varieties, they are all essentially the same game: You roll the dice and place your pieces along a path to reach the finish line first while capturing your rival's pieces in the process. Here's how to master playing Fantasy Khiladi online against opponents from across the world since the video games' multiplayer versions of the board game share a lot of the same gameplay and strategy.

How to Become a Fantasy Khiladi Ludo Master

It would take some time and perseverance to master Fantasy Khiladi  ludo board games. You'll need to study the game's rules, how to play Ludo, and strategy, for instance. The reward, though, is absolutely worthwhile! You may have fun with your friends and family on game night or unwind after a demanding day at work by learning how to become a Fantasy Khiladi Ludo Master.

1. Open all the pawns pieces

One of the first Ludo strategies for a successful strategy is to get all of your pawns out of the home base as soon as you can. If you just use one or two pawns each time the dice are thrown to advance, you are taking unnecessary risks and could soon be killed by your opponent. Opening all pawns gives you more options when moving them when the number on the dice is low and you can't defend a valuable pawn from the opponent with that number. Therefore, focus on utilise every last piece of your pawn as quickly as you can.

2. Spread your pawns on the board

If you want to have a strategic advantage in a game of Ludo, focus on distributing your pawns evenly. By carefully positioning your pawns, you can freely move them if there are no opponents nearby. For instance, if you have two pawns in the same location and are surrounded by attackers, shifting any piece may result in your pawn being murdered right away. By utilising this strategy, you can also prevent your opponents from winning the game by preventing them from reaching their homes.

3. Adopt an attacking strategy

The most thrilling part of playing Ludo online is attacking other players, even if you run the risk of losing your pawns. If you want to master ludo, you need set pity aside and adopt a hostile posture. But always think about the risk before you kill your opponent's piece. You should attack your opponent if your piece is in the first or second quadrant, even if doing so puts its security at danger. However, if your pawn is placed in the third or fourth quadrant, you should only attack your adversary if you have a chance to escape to a more secure location. According to the "rule of seven," there are always at least seven steps ahead that are safer. According to this rule, you have a lower risk of being killed because your opponent is less likely to receive a 6 and 1.

4. Patience is the key

Being patient is one of the most crucial ludo success methods. For instance, your pawns are safe from attack in star-shaped areas of the board. If you roll a bad die in these circumstances, it is advised to leave the pawn in the safe zone, especially if your opponents' pawns are close to yours. You might also move any more parts that aren't in the safe region or that might already be in danger. Patience is necessary to keep your pawn safe because a mistake could send them back to the base and compel you to start over.

5. Block your opponent

Tossing your opponent off is one way to safely get your pawns home. Any pawn that approaches your home will be constantly monitored by your adversaries, who will attempt to seize it. In order to defend your pawns from the attack of your adversary, you must pursue their pawns. A wise strategy is to keep at least seven steps ahead of your competitors so that they have less chance of catching up to you. When you are at least seven moves ahead of your rivals, your pawns are in the safest position on the board.

Bonus Ludo Tip: Understand The Rules Before You Start

Before employing the preceding ludo tips and strategies to increase your winning %, it is essential to understand the rules of the game. Make sure you comprehend all of the rules if you are new to ludo because doing so will make it simpler for you to use the ludo tactics. You'll learn how to always guard your pawns, when to capture the enemy, when to risky move your pawns into the last quadrant, and other strategies.

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